phAcid Water Acidifer

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phAcid injectable irrigation and soil water acidifer

pHAcid is a unique combination of a blend of acidifying agents combined with a multi-purpose, high molecular weight surfactant. This combination of complimentary technologies is designed to be applied either through the irrigation system or in a tank spray to provide the superintendent with a proactive approach to:

  • Neutralize the negative effects of high bicarbonate and carbonate levels in irrigation water and the soil solution
  • Lower pH of irrigation water and soil water
  • Maintain the solubility of Ca and Mh in irrigation and soil water

What pHAcid Can Offer You:

  • Water that now flows through the soil profile in a uniform manner
  • Improved CEC
  • Less water is wasted due to run off and/or ponding on the soil surface
  • The flexibility of a spray program or an injection program — as your situation dictates
  • Improved water use efficiency
  • Enhanced air-to-water ratios

Application Guidelines:

For spray use:

32 - 64 oz. per acre every month if RSC index is more than 150 ppm

For injectable use:

  • 1 gal. per 20,000 gal. of applied water every month if RSC is +150ppm
  • 1 gal. per 20,000 gal. of applied water every 2 weeks if RSC is +250ppm

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