Balance (14-2-14) Fertilizer

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Balance (14-2-14)

Polymer slow release and stabilized N

Balance is a 1:1 N to K ratio formulation designed to serve as the core of a comprehensive fertility program. It serves base NPK requirements while allowing turfgrass managers to tailor micronutrient needs to their specific growing conditions and cultivars.

Ensuring maximum foliar absorption:  Balance contains both a slowly available polymer form of nitrogen as well as nitrogen-stabilized urea to reduce volatilization and loss. The potash is derived from potassium acetate to ensure the maximum foliar absorption, increasing K+ delivery even under soil conditions adverse to K+ utilization.

Guaranteed Analysis:

  • Total Nitrogen (N) 14.0%
  • 7.0% Urea nitrogen
  • 7.0% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen
  • Available Phosphate (P2O5) 2.0%
  • Soluble Potash (K2O) 14.0%
  • Derived from: urea, urea triazone, potassium phosphate, potassium acetate.

Also contains a non-plant food ingredient:

  • Urease inhibitors / nitrogen stabilizers

Application Guidelines:

For maintenance use:

  • 6 - 12 oz. / 1,000 sq. ft. every 7 to 14 days

For deficiency rate use:

  • 9 - 15 oz. / 1,000 sq. ft. every 7 days
A pie chart showing the percentage of potassium acetate and potassium thiosulfate

These charts show the tissue test result 3 days after application of potassium acetate and potassium thiosulfate. With the acetate form, 47% of applied K+ ended up in the leaf tissue. With the thiosulfate form, only 7% of applied K+ ended up in the leaf tissue.

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How to Fertilize Trees and Shrubs

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