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Injectable soil surfactant
METER is a highly specialized injectable soil surfactant designed to overcome problems with penetration and infiltration of water into the soil profile due to the variability of the soil matrix and water repellency at or near the surface of the soil profile. Unlike many “soil penetrants,” METER’s unique blend of soil surfactants will also help correct soil water repellency conditions that disrupt the uniform distribution, hydration, retention and drainage of turfgrass rootzones. METER will:
As both the quality and quantity of irrigation water is becoming a limiting factor in turfgrass management, research has increased with regard to the use of surfactants in irrigation systems. While soil profiles may vary, studies have shown that use of surfactants in irrigation systems can reduce water requirements by as much as 50%. Further, the volumetric water content of soil profiles have also shown significant improvement with the use of surfactants in irrigation systems. Isn’t it time for you to consider the use of METER in your irrigation protocol?
Injection directions for general turf use:
For optimum results, inject METER injectable soil surfactant at a rate of 12-24 fl oz per acre (1-2 L per hectare) on a weekly basis.
It is highly recommended that METER injectable soil surfactant be applied prior to the development of environmental conditions that promote plant stress and water repellency on thatch and soil particle surfaces.
Serving Southwest Florida, G to Z Turf Services specializes in sod installation, root pruning, artificial turf, and turf products. Licensed and insured. Over 30 years of experience. Competitive pricing. Call for a free estimate.
Southwest Florida
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