Passage Soil Surfactant

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Sprayable Soil Surfactant

Passage is a sprayable and injectable soil surfactant designed to overcome problems with the infiltration and penetration of water from rainfall or irrigation events into and through soil profiles that exhibit water repellency at or near the soil surface. 

Surfactants used in Passage provide a significant improvement in:

  • Infiltration rates and the reduction of runoff water
  • Soil hydration and water movement throughout the soil profile
  • Irrigation effectiveness and efficiency
  • The reduction of stress conditions and recovery from stress

Advanced Formulation Technology:

Unlike many injectable and sprayable soil surfactants that utilize single surfactant technology or contain simple mixtures of different surfactants (polyblends), the development of Passage Soil Surfactants is driven by advances in surfactant and formulation technologies that offer superior product performance through the use of novel chemistries as well as unique patterns of self-assembly expressed by surfactant components.

Disotrate AGE and its tri-block co-surfactant both contribute to preventing disruption of the wetting front by creating sites for water attachment (reducing surface tension). The larger, more complex tri-block surfactant also promotes downward and lateral movement of water (matrix flow).

Application Guidelines:

For greens, tees, fairways, lawns, and sports turf:

8-16 oz. per 100 gals. of spray solution per acre, applied every 1-2 weeks. No watering-in is required when used at recommended rates.

For localized dry spots and turfgrass suffering under non-uniform growing conditions:

6-8 oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. in 2 gals. of water, applied every 2-4 weeks as required. A light watering-in is recommended after application.

For best results, apply prior to the development of environmental conditions that promote plant stress and water repellency on thatch and soil particle surfaces.

Technical Information Sheet

How to Select a Fertilizer

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How to Fertilize Trees and Shrubs

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